Meet the YesGraph Team: Vincent Driessen

This is the second post in our “Meet the YesGraph Team” series where we highlight the people that build YesGraph.

Vincent DriessenVincent Driessen
Deventer, The Netherlands

What do you do at YesGraph?

I hack away furiously in my code editor to create the YesGraph experience. I work on almost anything engineering related, as all the other engineers at YesGraph do, meaning I do front-end design, hack on the front-end logic, back-end, metrics, data analytics, operations, and architecture. This is what I love so much about small startups.

How did you join YesGraph?

Ivan (founder) used RQ in his first prototype for YesGraph, which is an open source library I authored. He contacted me as a consultant, and I basically never left 🙂

What’s one interesting fact that not many people know about you?

Chris DeBurgh’s Lady In Red is a guilty pleasure of mine.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Enjoy playing with my kids, watch the latest series on Netflix, or playing my beloved Larrivée.

What’s the best part about working at YesGraph?

Two things clearly stand out. First of all, all the time I get to spend with my kids and seeing them grow up, since I’m working remotely from home. Secondly, the “ask for forgiveness rather than permissions” culture. Everyone at YesGraph has a license (and the obligation) to improve any part of the product, and ideas are always welcome.

What are the top two items on your bucketlist?

Writing up a bucket list at one point and re-visiting New Zealand.

What’s your favorite gif?