Growing a Monetized Userbase

I was invited to give a talk at the 2013 Growth Hacker Conference. My understanding is that the conference organizers are going to share the full set of talks on Udemy, but I thought I’d share my talk early.

The way I practice presentations is to record myself talking over the slides. So making another version and recording it was really easy. Below is the full talk: Continue reading

How YesGraph Got Its First 1000 Users

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When you’re building a new kind of product, your focus should be on driving engagement, not scale. Do people understand your product? Are they actively using it? How often do they come back? Answering these questions is more important than user acquisition at the start because if your product isn’t engaging, that attention is wasted. Continue reading

3 Surprising Social Design and Engineering Challenges in Enterprise Software

It wasn’t until I first started working on YesGraph that I appreciated the design and engineering challenges in enterprise software. When you think about enterprise software, you probably think “bad software”. Think about getting expense reimbursements, signing up for benefits, or using a VPN. In a word: cumbersome. This makes the deep challenges even more surprising. Continue reading